Fragrance Note

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I diffuse essential oils?

    Ultrasonic Diffuser with cool mist, is the most common device for essential oils diffusion. Alternately, ceramic essential oil burner and reed diffuser are suitable too.

  2. What are the available shipping options:

    Standard delivery on Shopee is by J&T for all deliveries within West Malaysia (2-3 working days) and for East Malaysia (5-7 days). 

  3. What kind of diffuser is suitable for essential oils?
    • Fragrance Note essential oils are 100% Pure and Natural, it non water-soluble. Please check the diffuser user guide for more information.
    • For best result, use only cool mist to diffuse and clean the diffuser regularly.
  4. Does essential oil have expiry dates?

    If stored properly, essential oil can last for years! Please always remember to store them at a cool and dark place, away from direct sunlight.

  5. I am new to essential oils, is there anything I should be aware of?
    • Although essential oils are all 100% pure and natural essential oil, it may still cause skin irritation. Do not apply essential oil directly onto skin.
    • For external use only, not for consumption, not suitable for pets and babies younger than 9 months old.
    • If you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or under medical treatment, please consult your physician prior to use.
  6. Can pregnant ladies use essential oil?

    In general, most medical experts agree that aromatherapy is a safer option for pregnant women as opposed to topical applications. This simply means that you should use your essential oils in a diffuser rather than applying them directly to your skin. If you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or under medical treatment, please consult your physician prior to use.

  7. Can I use essential oil in my bath?

    Essential oils are perfectly safe in your bath and can be put in neat, however, some precautions have to be adhered to as the oils do not actually dissolve in water.
    Use a maximum of 6 - 8 drops of essential oil in your bath.
    Take note: Some essential oils, especially citrus oils may sting if sat on skin.

  8. If you have other enquiries, please feel free to hit us up at Shopee Chat or email us at:

Three Things You Need to know before Using Essential Oils:


To use essential oils in a diffuser, add a few drops into the water tank. Some diffuser manufacturers do not recommend the use of essential oils, check with the manufacturer's directions. For best results, use cool mist and clean your diffuser regularly. To use essential oil topically, mix it well with a carrier oil of your choice.


Possible skin irritation or sensitivity. If you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding or under treatment or medication, please consult your physician.
Keep out of reach of children.
For external use only, not for consumption.
Never use any essential oil on skin unless it is diluted with carrier oil.
Store in room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
Do not apply essential oil onto pets.

Take Note:

Citrus essential oils like lemon, orange, grapefruit and bergamot are known as photosensitive, using them topically may cause photosensitive reaction.
Test the mixture on a small, inconspicuous area of your skin before you apply it somewhere sensitive.
If after 24 hours you see redness or irritation, don’t use the mixture.
To avoid skin damage, make sure you wash off lemon oil before exposing your skin to sunlight.